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Solar Energy Technology Training (SETechTra)

Solar Energy (SE) is recognised as central to the delivery world green energy production, security, economic, and climate goals leading to an increase in the EU’s 2030 solar targets to 740 GWdc. This represents a double-edged sword for the industry as it exacerbates shortage in STEM graduates with relevant SE sector specialist skills described as “the mismatch between the skills needs and the available skills”.  Although the demand for professionals with training in STEM fields is considerable, other skilled people such as lawyers, logistics experts, marketing professionals, financial analysts and experts in regulation and standardisation are required.

The Solar Energy Technology Training (SETechTra) course has been developed as part of the SETEchTra project with the aim to develop freely available training materials to tackle skills gap in the solar energy sectors from STEM and STEAM (STEM and Arts such as visual arts, design and new media) perspectives by integrating STEM concepts with the arts into the developed SE training technology. The intersections between the Arts, STEM creates an engaging discovery and problem-solving space that is multifaceted and inclusive which also contribute to the general view of industry and business for future-ready employees to have multiple areas of expertise or being able to use a whole-system thinking with a holistic approach to identifying sustainable solutions.

The SETechTra project consortium is composed of 6 partners: 4 Universities and 2 industry partners representing 4 different European countries namely Finland, Greece, Norway, and UK. Partners are:

  1. University of Wolverhampton, UK (UoW) coordinating the whole project.
  2. Teesside University, UK (TU).
  3. Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Finland (SAMK).
  4. Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving foundation (CRES).
  5. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway (NUT).
  6. Research and Knowledge Consultancy Ltd, UK (RKC.)

The team have developed the course after extensive skills gap analysis, a review of Higher Education Qualifications Framework (HEQF) and professional and statutory body (PSRB) requirements for partner countries and consultation with Industrial Advisory Board professional bodies and other stakeholders on the attributes of STEM graduates with reference to the solar and renewable energy sector. These review and consultation allow the integration of key professional competencies into the curriculum design. This course forms a base upon which each of the High Education Institution (HEI) partners will be implementing the curriculum in their respective country with some modification based on their respective strategies and regulations.

The contents of course are divided into four major areas corresponding to 12 weeks training: (i) Introduction to solar energy systems (weeks 1-3), (ii) Design and Reliability of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems (weeks 4-6), (iii) Application examples (weeks 7-9), and (iv) Entrepreneurial Skills Training (week 10-12).

Course aim

This course exposes trainees/students to solar energy technology via on-hand training and academic activities that support their entrepreneurial capability development in the solar energy sector.   

Module objectives

The objectives of the module are to support Trainee/students especially undergraduate students) to:

  • Deepen their awareness, knowledge and understanding of renewable energy with focus on solar energy and the photovoltaic technology which support its conversion to electricity.
  • Develop critical skills in solar energy, solar thermal, PV design and reliability issues.
  • Develop critical skills in solar energy, solar thermal, PV applications in powering device and building.
  • Acquire entrepreneurial competences that develop and empower trainee/students to set-up Solar/thermal and PV Company.  

Learning outcomes

  • Have knowledge on a range of renewable technologies available for energy generation (can be covered briefly) in domestic buildings and devices.
  • Able to simulate solar system performance using available solar energy simulation tools/software.
  • Able to demonstrate competence in designing a solar energy system (solar heat and / or photovoltaics) and able to design for building, device, or other relevant applications.
  • Able to develop competency in identifying sustainable energy solutions for development and utilization.
  • Have knowledge and understanding of legislation associated with renewable technologies and energy performance of domestic buildings and devices (this should be covered locally).

Course Structure and Indicative Contents

SETechTra E-Delivery information (Word doc 169k)

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